Washington Area Before The Beltway


We thought you might be interested in seeing parts of the Washington area about 50 years ago. We will be adding to the collection of maps from time to time. There are also a very few pictures of the area. For those of you over 50 who grew up here I hope it brings back fond memories.

Here is a listing of the pictures and maps so you can skip directly to those items of interest:

Pennsylvania Avenue approaching the Capitol (Photo)
Tysons Corner Map (1945)
McLean Map (1945)
Downtown Washington Retail District (Photo)
Downtown Washington Map
Metropolitan Theater
Glen Echo Maps
Amusement Parks (Glen Echo)
Amusement Parks (Marshall Hall)
Broadcast House
National Navy Medical Center
Bethesda Map
Shirley Highway
Woodrow Wilson High School
A Champion High School Football Team
Trolley Service to Great Falls (map)

The Area Before National Airport (map)
Broadcasting the Hoover Inauguration


We recently became aware of a DVD with films of all the Washington Steetcar lines by route number. It is known as 'Raleigh D'Adamo's Washington Streetcar Films'. You may order it from the following web site:


Do you have any prints or slides of the Washington Area in the fifties or earlier that you would like others to see on this site? Send a note and we'll try to place your memories on line for others to share.

Next - Pennsylvania Avenue

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