Cabin John Regional Park Walk 1

Cabin John Regional Park Walk 1
Length: 1.0 miles
Surface: natural surface trail and paved walkways
and parking area
Exposure: shade
Surroundings: woods, playground
The walk starts from the playground section of Cabin John
Regional Park near the Tuckerman Lane entrance road. Locate the first asphalt
trail leading to the right into the playground area as you drive into the
- Notice what appears to be a dirt service road at the
asphalt trail leading to the playground equipment. You may see mulch piles
on the right of the service road. Follow this road a short distance until
it becomes a narrower trail curving to the left and following Tuckerman
Lane down the hill.
- At the bottom of the hill the Cabin John trail intersects
from the right. Turn left to follow the Cabin John trail as it follows the
Cabin John Creek.
- A trail intersects from the right after a short distance.
Continue straight on the present trail.
- After a considerable distance the Cabin John trail
turns to the right to cross the power lines. Continue straight on the present
trail. Notice the bench on the left in the picture at this trail intersection.
- An opening to the power line section appears on the
right. Continue straight on the present trail.
- The natural surface trail ends at the parking area.
Turn left and follow the parking lot up the hill and turn left upon reaching
the paved service road.
- The service road passes the train station on the left.
- A service road leads to the park office on the left.
After passing this service road turn slightly to the right to enter the
playground parking area and the end of the walk.