Reston is a West Highland Terrier Reston (the dog) was named for our town and had been walking along the Glade stream for over 16 years. He died recently. He was a good friend to our dogs, Misty and Ginger (now deceased) and knew most of the other dogs along the trail. He was a West Highland Terrier (Westie) and we have never heard him bark. Coincidentally, we know another Westie that is also named Reston but we know of no other dogs named after our town.









Reston lived in a very special neighborhood. There are trails on both sides of the Glade stream north of Soapstone Drive and they provide a loop walk that is perfect for walking dogs. Dogs provide an excellent excuse to stop and chat and the neighbors on both sides of the stream see each other often. The entire section of trail is shaded staying cool during the summer and the valley provides shelter from the cold winter wind. Numerous hollies along the trail add greenery during the winter months when grey and beige normally dominate.

We always enjoyed meeting Reston, his masters and the many other walkers in this area. We have watched families growing up and know that this area is special to them. We have also noticed that homes here are seldom up for sale and sell quickly once on the market. Click on this link to view a walk map and directions.










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