New or Revised Paths


Lake Mercer

Lake Mercer

This walk will take you from the South Run RECenter along South Run to Lake Mercer and back in a loop. This is a good walk for people that enjoy the woods and want to get away from street traffic.


Clemyjontri Park

This park features a playground for children with and without disabilities. Click on the picture to see some of the unique play equipment there.


CCT - Leigh Mill Rd to Georgetown Pike

This old barn can be seen from the CCT near Leigh Mill Rd. This trail has recently been improved with a new water crossing over Difficult Run near Old Dominion Dr. It is now possible to take the CCT from Reston to the Potomac River at Great Falls Park without getting you feet wet. It is still a long walk however.

Great Falls Park VA

Great Falls Park VA

We have finally started a section on Great Falls Park in Virginia. This link will take you to a map of the park, provide you with a choice of walk routes in the park, and show you pictures of some of the activities there. More park walk routes will be available shortly.


CCT - Twin Branches Rd to Little Difficult Run

CCT - Twin Branches Rd. to Little Difficult Run

This part of the Cross County Trail leaves Reston heading south towards Oakton. You may wish to bring a walking stick on this trail after it crosses Lawyers Road.


Lake Anne - Lake Newport

Lake Anne - Lake Newport

Visit both lakes in a single walk using the tunnel under Baron Cameron Avenue that connects the lake areas.


Newbridge (Reston National Golf Course)

Take a walk along and through the golf course. View the homes along the golf course and watch the golfers as they enjoy the outdoors.

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