W&OD Trail (1) Entrance Ramp from Town Center Parkway

400 foot asphalt trail on northwestern side of W&OD Trail at Town Center Parkway.

Provides connectivity - Medium

Provides connection to W&OD Trail from Town Center Parkway. Other connections are available but increase the walking distance or utilize condominium property.

Improves Safety - Low

There are no safety concerns with the current access.

Provides Access - Low

There are currently other accesses to the trail.

Provides Recreational Opportunities - Medium

Provides connections to other trails.

Supported by Community - Medium

The adjacent condominium has multiple methods of access to the W&OD Trail. Residents outside the condo are apparently using the condo pathways to gain access although none were seen during my visit.

Is It Feasible to Build - Medium

It appears the trail would have to be built over or adjacent to a storm sewer line.

Countywide Trails Plan


Property Map 17-3