North Shore Drive South between Sycamore Valley Drive and Golf View Court.

1500 foot sidewalk.

Provides connectivity - High

Connects existing sidewalks to planned connection through Fannie Mae property and sidewalk on north side of road from Links Drive.

Improves Safety - High

Pedestrians must walk in the mud or in the busy street.

Provides Access - High

Residents will be able to walk to the Metro and to 3 nearby shopping centers.

Provides Recreational Opportunities - Medium

Provides connection to Reston’s trail system.

Supported by Community - High

Requested by the Reston Association.

Is It Feasible To Build - Medium

There appear to be no unusual problems to overcome. An existing asphalt trail in poor condition should be removed.

A crosswalk will be needed across North Shore Road at the western end of the Golf Course sidewalk. This will connect to the planned sidewalk on the north side of the road.

Countywide Trails Plan


Property Map 17-2, 17-4